Check out this user guide to start using MidiCo.
If you not find what you're looking for, please contact us.
Contact UsTo clear the current playlist you can delete all records in it or you can select "New playlist" from "File" menu.
All others playlist's functions are accessible in context menu (2nd button mouse click).
Playlist context menu
- Move in priority turn
The selected song will be insert at the top of the execution list
- Reset turns
The execution list will be reset to original order.
- Import playlist
Append a playlist saved using the export function.
- Export playlist
Export current playlist and save it in a xml file.
Performers context menu (Rotation Tab)
To show this context menu, select the performer and click (2nd mouse button) on the songs pane.
- Import Performer Playlist
Append a performer's playlist saved using the export function.
- Export Performer playlist
Export current performer's playlist and save it in a xml file.